
140524 2ne1 All or Nothing World Tour in Malaysia.

This is my very first time fancam for a concert .
Although it's ain't an easy job . but I just tried my best to take these photos .
Some of the photos went too bright or blur , but I still do hope that y'all will like it .
I did took some pictures of dancers too .
A big thanks for 2ne1 , winner and the dancers , including the crews in Malysia to bing us such an amazing and fantastuc stage .
I would like to apologize to the blackjacks who were standing in front of me , because I accidentally knocked your head with my camera .
All of the photos are original without any adjustment and edition , enjoy it . :)
Please take out with full credit , don't edit and remove logo . #respect


〖 WINNER 위너 〗

 ========== T A N G Y U A N Y S ==========
========== Canon EOS 550D ==========